Full logo EOAN
Table full of food

The Eastern Ontario Agri-Food Network (EOAN) is a non-profit membership organization dedicated to supporting the development, growth and sustainability of local food and agriculture initiatives in Eastern Ontario. The EOAN operates in Prescott-Russell, Stormont Dundas & Glengarry, Cornwall, and the Ontario portion of Akwesasne.


Build comprehensive and meaningful connections between consumers and agrifood partners through dynamic promotional initiatives.

Expand Network membership by widely promoting who we are and how we can help.

Capacity Building

Connect agri-food partners with the support, training, and resources they need to thrive.

Strengthen organizational capacity to ensure Network sustainability and success.


Understand the realities of our members and act as their champion in matters of sector development.

Position the Network as an invaluable sector leader, worthy of investment.

Promoting Member Products and Services

Shopping locally, especially for food and beverage does wonders. Discover the great food and beverages, the unique flavours, and the beautiful people behind it all.

Buying local food builds the local economy for mutual prosperity. It supports small scale family farms and food artisans. It grounds you in local identity and flavours. It creates bonds and relationships between producers and consumers.

Visit the EOAN’s promotional website, Savour East Ontario.

Become a Member

Let’s make our region a great place to live, work, play, and visit with wonderful farmers and food artisans, great regional flavours, and memorable experiences.

Membership includes:

  • Support and growth opportunities through our vast network.
  • Participation in cooperative marketing strategies such a food asset mapping and farm tours.
  • Participation in regional meetings, events, training, social events.

News and Updates

EOAN promotes hyper-local network of small scale producers in light of tariff scares.

The Eastern Ontario Agri-Food Network (EOAN) is proud to promote its hyper-local network of 150+ small scale producers amidst the recent tariff scares coming from our southern neighbour.

Click here to see the whole article.


PARO is seeking women to participate in our CITs.

A CIT creates a space for women to present their challenges and obstacles to a panel of community partners who provide access to programming, funding, and networks.

Eligibility criteria:

  • Majority (50.1%+) woman-owned and woman-led
  • Headquartered in any of these provinces: BC, AB, SK, MB, ON, NS, or NL
  • Be a profitable company
  • Operate in the consumer-packaged good space
  • Be looking to scale

All events are virtual and free. Clients may only participate in one event.

Agri-Food CIT #6 (22 Jan 2025)

Agri-Food CIT #7 (23 Jan 2025)

  1. The CIT’s will be held from 13h00 to 15h00 EST
  2. Participation is voluntary and unpaid.
  3. Selected participants will be contacted with the details of the CIT.

PAROLancez votre project comme un Pro

Discover the competition for Francophone women entrepreneurs just starting out! This is your chance to launch your project like a pro. For more information and to register, visit this link.

Deadline: Submissions must be completed by 4:00 p.m. on Thursday, December 19. Don’t miss this opportunity!