
Experience Ontario 2023 Grant

Posted on : 2023-04-18

The Ontario government is introducing the Experience Ontario 2023 program for festivals and events taking place between April 1, 2023, and March 31, 2024.
This year, the government is investing almost $20 million in one-time funding through the Experience Ontario 2023 program to provide support to in-person festivals and events. The programming encourages people to travel, experience events in person and celebrate Ontario.

SavourEastOn.ca makes a splash in the news.

Posted on : 2023-04-05

Le Droit highlighted EOAN’s work today (article in French only) with the our new SavourEastOn website.

Does Eastern Ontario have something unique? YES!

  • We have unique soil that is ideal for berries and small fruits. Also ideal to raise ducks, geese, and lamb.
  • We have unique climate which although does include harsh winters, includes beautiful and warm summers.
  • We have unique water, with Caledonia Springs.
  • We have unique people, welcoming, warm, and hardworking.


That is why we created SavourEastOn.

Save the Date – EOAN AGM – March 30th 2023

Posted on : 2023-03-14

Save the date for this year’s Annual General Meeting (AGM) on March 30th at Stonehouse Vineyard, in Alexandria, from 4 p.m. to 7 p.m. Registrations will be going out by email in a few weeks.
If your business is interested in offering some snacks or goodies, at this event, please let us know at services@agro-on.ca. We would love to have you there!

Meet Your Members at Cassburn Sweets

Posted on : 2023-03-10

Join us on Friday March 24th, from 5 p.m. to 7 p.m. at Cassburn Sweets, located at 2901 Cassburn Road in Vankleek Hill, for a Tour of our Sugar House in operation, complete with snacks and refreshments. All in attendance will have their names added to a draw for Cassburn Sweets garb as well as sample packs. Another great networking opportunity!

Click here to register for the event!

Calling local gardening vendors and exhibitors

Posted on : 2023-03-08

Come celebrate spring at the 8th Annual Cornwall Seedy Saturday, scheduled for March 18th, from 10:30 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. at the Benson Centre, Cornwall.  After 3 years of virtual events, we are excited to welcome you back in person.

Register here!