EOAN promotes hyper-local network of small scale producers in light of tariff scares.
Posted on : 2025-02-27
The Eastern Ontario Agri-Food Network (EOAN) is proud to promote its hyper-local network of 150+ small scale producers amidst the recent tariff scares coming from our southern neighbour.
Posted on : 2024-12-11
PARO is seeking women to participate in our CITs.
A CIT creates a space for women to present their challenges and obstacles to a panel of community partners who provide access to programming, funding, and networks.
Eligibility criteria:
- Majority (50.1%+) woman-owned and woman-led
- Headquartered in any of these provinces: BC, AB, SK, MB, ON, NS, or NL
- Be a profitable company
- Operate in the consumer-packaged good space
- Be looking to scale
All events are virtual and free. Clients may only participate in one event.
Agri-Food CIT #6 (22 Jan 2025)
Agri-Food CIT #7 (23 Jan 2025)
- The CIT’s will be held from 13h00 to 15h00 EST
- Participation is voluntary and unpaid.
- Selected participants will be contacted with the details of the CIT.
PAROLancez votre project comme un Pro
Posted on : 2024-12-11
Discover the competition for Francophone women entrepreneurs just starting out! This is your chance to launch your project like a pro. For more information and to register, visit this link.
Deadline: Submissions must be completed by 4:00 p.m. on Thursday, December 19. Don’t miss this opportunity!
Posted on : 2024-12-11
If you are an existing women owned business looking to grow, scale-up, or expand, BizGrowth may be for you. Businesses may have difficulty moving their business to the next level and this program is designed to help businesses increase and capitalize on market opportunities to grow and expand. The purpose is to assist businesses to expand into new markets. Only businesses located in Ontario are eligible for this program.
OPTIS Micro-Credential
Posted on : 2024-12-11
The Ontario Professional Tourism Industry Specialist (OPTIS) Micro-Credential is designed in partnership with the top industry leaders in Ontario tourism for upskilling existing employees within their current job, in addition to supporting the tourism sector to scale up in post-COVID recovery. This micro-credential targets individuals who work for any organization with a mandate to support operators to foster growth in the tourism industry. This includes provincial and federal tourism advisors, municipal staff, economic development officers, destination marketing and sector organization staff, in addition to tourism operators and individuals in management roles within the tourism sector.
Course Learning Outcomes
Upon successful completion of this course, learners should be able to:
- Recognize the key components and interconnected nature of the tourism industry, specifically within Ontario and Northern Ontario;
- Explain the importance of tourism products including the identification and assessment of product quality;
- Identify marketing fundamentals and key Ontario markets;
- Implement e-marketing/communications strategies, including how to connect with the Ontario tourism marketing strategies;
- Describe the community role and response to the visitor experience including modifying delivery of visitor services and planning for visitor use of community infrastructure;
- With a specific focus on Indigenous, Francophone, LGBTQ+ products and markets, implement a toolkit of equity, diversity, and inclusion-focused tourism practices to ensure people know they are welcome and included;
- Discuss the international sector-specific protocols for customer safety and public health operating protocols established by government (especially with regard to pandemic management) as they relate to risk and liability considerations; and
- Identify and explain tourism products and markets unique to the north, including key networks and organizations that support tourism in the north and sub-regional marketing partners.
The cost is $750.00, and is only six weeks long. The next intake for it is Sept 2025.
Growing Green
Posted on : 2024-12-11
The Growing Green event in early March is looking for additional food vendors. They are especially searching for BBQ partners who don’t mind braving the winter weather outdoors and an indoor vendor specializing in fresh, delicious wraps. If you’re interested, please send an email to info@agro-on.ca as soon as possible!
Experience Ontario
Posted on : 2024-11-28
Experience Ontario 2025 supports in-person festivals or events in Ontario that will: Application Guide for grants that support Festivals an Events 1. Draw tourists and increase visitor spending through innovative programming in partnership with businesses and community partners. 2. Provide job opportunities for Ontarians in the tourism, culture, and entertainment sectors.
OTF Grant Application Deadlines 2025
Posted on : 2024-11-28
- Capital Grant opens February 5th to March 5th.
- Seed Grant opens July 23rd to August 20th.
- Grow Grant opens October 8th to November 5th.
- Youth Opportunities Fund opens November 5th, 2024 to March 12th, 2025.
Canada Summer wage subsidy
Posted on : 2024-11-13
Launches November 18th, 2024.
Canada-Ontario Job Grant
Posted on : 2024-11-13
Canada-Ontario Job Grant (COJG) provides opportunities for employers to invest in their workforce, with help from the government.